Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and other essentials beyond income for a minimum standard of living.
Poverty is considered to be a result of market failure. When arecessionhits, the poverty rate increases because employees lose their jobs or lose working hours, which results in no income or less income. Inequality, which is a component of market failure, can eventually lead to poverty when w...
If a family’s pre-tax income is less than the dollar value of their threshold, that family and every member are considered to be in poverty.So, in the eyes of the Census, “poverty” is pre-tax income (before any tax credits, deductions, etc.). However, some federal benefits pr...
Still today, people with disabilities must fight to live their lives independently. It is estimated that more than half of qualified Americans with disabilities are unemployed, and a majority of those who do work are underemployed. About two-thirds live at or below the official poverty level. Si...
“The most commonly used way to measure poverty is based on incomes. A person is considered poor if his or her income level falls below some minimum level necessary to meet basic needs. This minimum level is usually called the “poverty line”. What is necessary to satisfy basic needs varie...
(Capital productivity and labor productivity are frequentlyconsidered togetheras an indicator of a country’s overall standard of living.) Total factor productivity is the portion of growth in output not explained by growth in labor or capital. This type of productivity is sometimes called “...
In developing countries, many household are exposed to high risk, uncertainties and crises, which not only causes of poverty, but also a path to micro-economic downturn. Studies have shown that households who have the fewest instruments to deal with these risks are considered poor. In some case...
What Is Considered a Good Level of Discretionary Income? This is somewhat a matter of lifestyle; however, many experts agree that around 10-30% of your take-home (after-tax) pay should consist of discretionary income. The so-called 50-20-30 rule suggests that 50% of your net income sho...
Bartering:Barteringinvolves an exchange of goods and services rather than cash. So if you fix the electrical system in someone's home and they pay you with a similar service (like fixing your plumbing) rather than cash, the value of that service is considered taxable income.16 ...
In addition, situations in which children or other vulnerable groups do not use the Internet services provided by Tencent were not considered. It is recommended that further research on this topic involves integration of data from diverse sources, including heat maps, mobile phones, and social ...