In historical and contemporary Islamic sexual ethics, zina refers to adultery and fornication and is considered haraam, or forbidden. Muslims believe that zina, like other "bad deed" or sins, will be held against the sinner after death or on the final day of judgment. Depending on context, t...
u guys should ALL realise this: those "moderate" Muslims are Muslim by name only bcos they are making compromises in Islam with regard to things that are NON-NEGOTIABLE and even worse, they also try to use the Quran or the hadith (basically the saying of the Prophet Muhammad- peace be u...
Bodysecretions such as blood, urine, or excrements are considered to be minorimpurities that only require local, limited washing, while those secretions re-sulting from a sexual act, masturbation, childbirth, or menstruation requireextensive body cleansing: “On a religious level,hamamsallowed ...
The original argument for RIMC was to prevent boys from masturbating, but it has no effect of that at all. And regular masturbation is the best way to keep a penis clean. That's my very enjoyable experience. The Health Board, in your inbox ...
The religion of Islam tells believers to be good and to prevent others from committing evil. We see it in this verse clearly: “They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in (all) good works: They are ...