So yes, thanks to you, this section is now unwieldy and massive and totally awesome. Some of these books are interactive. Some are browsable non-fiction that you can leave casually lying around the house for hours of turn-to-any-page, stumble-upon-new-knowledge entertainment. You’ll see ...
(36) is considered poor practice for an administrator to (37) about an executive decision after it has been discussed openly and decided upon in committee. The time to (38) disagreement is during committee discussion or with the president privately. Publicly, an administrator is expected to supp...
But pathological lying is often done without any reason and regardless of consequences. These lies are extensive and elaborate, and the urge to tell them is compulsive. Pathological liars often make up stories, even if that causes them harm. They may lose jobs and ruin relationships because of ...
So, common workers are very important and they're considered the 5 part of our society. We can't imagine how awful our world will be if they are all 6__ in our life D: Surely, each job has the 7 _ of its own, no matter what kind of job it is. R: Mr. Smith also says ...
In Jewish (犹太人) history, King Solomon is considered to be the wisest man who ever lived. There are many stories about the wisdom of King Solomon. Here’s one of them. One day two women came before the King. They carried with them a little baby, which was set down on the floor,...
Asia— Winking is considered a vulgar gesture in Asian cultures so unless you’re looking for a fight, keep your winks to yourself. When a wink is not a wink, but an eye twitch Winking isn’t always something that you “just do.” When stress gets the better of you, it can cause ...
What could have been considered the beginning of a descent is now a potential turning point—the turning point you are most equipped to take full advantage of. 出自-2017年6月阅读原文 What contributes to forgetting. 出自-2017年6月阅读原文 What Barth wrote decades ago is even truer today. 出自...
While the classic position involves both people lying on their sides (with their legs extended in a V-shape), there are alternatives, too, says Berkheimer. If one partner is less flexible or struggles with mobility, they might choose to lean back on the bed with their legs spread; then, ...
甲公司为某一集团母公司,乙公司为其一子公司。2018年1月1日,甲公司以银行存款4 800万元从本集团外部购入A公司80%股权(属于非同一控制下企业合并)并能够控制A公司。购买日,A公司可辨认净资产的公允价值为5 000万元,账面价值为3500万元。A公司可辨认净资产的公允价值与账面价值的差额系由一项管理用无形资产所致...
Lying and stealing are considered immo-ral conducts in every human society.adj 不道德的;道德败坏的4. He sensed the danger and leaped back just like an ape.v.跳;跳跃5. The government will regulate the trans-portation and storage of recyclable and recycled materials.v.控制;管理6. Walking ...