"Honors" is a recognition of high achievement, often academic, while "honor" is personal integrity or respect received. The former often refers to awards or distinctions, the latter to ethical qualities or reputations.
California State University, Sacramento, for instance, has a Black Honors College that is set to enroll its first cohort of students in fall 2024. "In a normal academic program, you've got to take your writing class, you've got to take stats class, you've got to take political ...
The article discusses the aims of honors colleges within a university. Topics include the notion of an honors college as a third place or a neutral space that encourages interdisciplinary thinking, concerns regarding the stringency of grading at honors colleges, and the notion of meritocracy as an...
Academic performance is one of many factors considered in the college application process. But grade slips can happen, whether due to a death in the family, struggles withmental health, difficulty adjusting to high school or other personal reasons. That's OK, experts say, but it's important t...
residentassistantinthedormsandisamemberoftheUniversityHonorsProgram.“Allthese experienceshelpedmetoenhancemytimeoncampusbygivingmeopportunitiestomeetamazing andinspiringindividualswhoIbelievewillremainlifetimefriends.” Hobbssays,“AlltheseexperiencesalsohelpedtoshapehowIthinkaboutthefuture.”After shegraduatesinMay,...
College and Career Prep: Advanced Placement (AP), Honors, NCAA-approved and Dual Enrollment courses Opportunities to Connect: Online clubs and activities as well as optional in-person field trips to local museums, cultural locations, and more Working as a network of online public schools, Connecti...
When the Petersen family’s daughter, Makenna, 19, considered an English-language bachelor’s degree in Europe, her family was more interested in the value of the international experience than the cost. Makenna’s first year in Prague, Czech Republic, ...
In other words, for college admissions, you should aim to earn the highest unweighted GPA and the highest level of rigor (by taking the most honors and AP classes that you can). What Is a Good Unweighted GPA? A high school transcript that contains an even mix of As and A-s will prod...
In general, a 3.0 GPA or higher is widely accepted by college advisors, internship programs, and potential employers. Anything above a 3.5 is often considered outstanding and may lead to honors designations at graduation and special distinctions/designations on your actual diploma....
Her achievement of becoming the first in her family to graduate college was celebrated. 2 Honor A prestigious award or title. The Nobel Prize is considered one of the highest honors in the scientific community. 3 Achievement A thing done successfully with effort, skill, or courage To reach thi...