Because the mountain sits at a very high altitude about 5,200 meters about sea level, so bring enough water and take your time.1. How does the writer start the passage? A.By listing a fact. B.By telling a story. C.By asking a question. D.By giving an example.2. What can we ...
Excerpt from Wikipedia: “The black salsify is considerednutritious: it containsproteins,fats,asparagine,choline,laevulin, as well as minerals such aspotassium,calcium,phosphorus,iron,sodium, andvitaminsA, B1, E and C. Since it also contains theglycosideinulin, which mainly consists offructose, it ...
When I asked her what was a source of inspiration, she said ” Most definitely, my Mom’s gardens.” Alexis’ mother is a landscape designer, so she is surrounded by beauty and bounty. When I asked her about her perspective on food, she said” It is so important to use all of the...
Diana Wynne Jones is a very well known British writer who passed away a few years ago, and is one of those folks whom I’ve been hearing about for years (she’s a great favorite of Neil Gaiman), but had never quite gotten around to reading. Or, so I thought. In fact, the more ...
You’ll also get a chance to breathe in the cool, high-altitude, air for a while – a refreshing change after a long day at the beach! You can also rent bikes in town ($10-15, ask for a lock) and bike there, a little under 5 miles (prepare for hills). You will stop at ...
Some visitors experience altitude sickness in Switzerland since its peak is 15,203 feet above sea level. Come with a preventative measure by packing these altitude relief supplements. It will help you adapt as the oxygen levels drop within the steep altitude change. It’s great support in additi...
Namche is generally considered the gateway to Everest. You and the team spend two nights here and at Dingboche, a valuable strategy to help you acclimatize to the higher altitude, which is vital to achieving your goal of reaching Base Camp. The bustling Namche streets are also a great place...
Next up is survival weapons. Wait! Are weapons considered gear?In my opinion, YES.Self-defense IS survival.These weapons are not survival supplies (however, ammo is).So let’s cover some common and lesser-known survival gear you can use to protect and defend yourself....
Bogotais the capital of Colombia, located right in the middle of the country. The city was built in a valley in the middle of the Andes mountain range (Altitude: approx 2,600m over sea level), making it a relatively cold place with temperatures ranging from just above freezing in early ...
Easter Island is considered to be the most isolated inhabited island in the world. The closest neighbor is Pitcairn Island which is 1400 miles west, while mainland Chile is 2400 miles to the east. Basically, they are out in the absolute middle of nowhere. That fact combined with the tropical...