MacLean is the chief value medical officer at Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. Gerda Maissel, MD, BCPA Maissel is a board-certified physician in physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) and patient advocacy (BCPA). Maissel is also the president of My M...
These values represent what research has shown to be the optimal blood sugar targets for nonpregnant adults to avoid complications of diabetes in the long term. Less than 70 mg/dl is considered alow blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, and the newest guideline consider that you want to catch a low...
Your blood sugar is considered “normal” if it falls into these ranges, per the ADA’sStandards of Care in Diabetes—2023(note that your doctor might adjust these numbers based on your age and health): People Without Diabetes Fasting: 99 mg/dL or less After Eating: 140 mg/dL or less ...
How are diabetic nephropathy and hypertension related? Is hypertension a physiological disease? Does high blood pressure cause macular degeneration? What is the difference between preload, diastolic, afterload, and systolic? What is considered mild pulmonary hypertension?
The correct diet for a diabetic is low sugar items and items with high dietary fiber. This should be discussed with your doctor as he can give you the best information. Avoid foods that are high in fat and refrain fromconsuming alcohol, because alcohol stays in the bloodstream and its actio...
Help prevent diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). This is a serious condition that can happen when your blood sugar level gets too high. Pregnancy increases your risk for DKA. The symptoms of DKA include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and confusion. Your care team provider may suggest that you test...
Guidelines vary, but an HbA1c from 5.0-5.6 to 5.8% is considered normal; 5.6 to 5.8-6.2 to 6.4% is borderline; and 6.2 to 6.4% and above is diabetic. For example, to achieve an HbA1c of 5.4% you’d have to notch an average blood sugar of 115; if found to be 6.4% it means ...
For example, re-setting and casting a fractured arm is NOT FDA approved. Why? Because it falls into the practice of medicine and NOT a drug delivery. Stem Cells are NOT considered under the jurisdiction of the FDA so long as they are “minimally manipulated.” Thus, while there is no ...
What is the association between sugar and obesity? What are the factors that contribute to diabetes being heredity? Besides genetics, what are the main factors that affect a person's overall health? Describe the issues of combating Obesity and the ...
toxicity) Target engagement in vivo is frequently sufficient for causing phenotypic effects; however, activity on a target in isolated protein or cellular assays often differs from the situation in vivo owing to, e.g., pharmacokinetic properties, so both generally need to be considered in ...