“I think we’d probably be horrified if we sharedof our fantasies,” says Fader. “Thank goodness we have filters. A little repression can be a good thing.” [This story originally appeared, in a slightly different form, in the November 2016 issue of Men’s Health.] ...
This isn’t exactly a new insight; on the contrary, it’s the theme of innumerable pop songs, which is in part why nostalgia is considered so cringe. Billy Joel’s indelible Boomer schmaltz exercise in his self-mythologizing “Piano Man,” as just one example, encourages you to submerge ...
Rizzler:A rizzler is someone with rizz, someone who is charming. A person with charisma (following the above definition).Example: “That guy is a Rizzler” OP:The definition of OP has its origins in video games, OP means “Over Powered.” This is used when a ...
Scottish actor Sean Connery is widely considered to have best portrayed the suave, dashing character of James Bond, appearing in seven of the 007 movies, beginning with "Dr. No" in 1962. But he won an Oscar in 1988 for his role in "The Untouchables." He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth...
Sex Education is a Netflix Original comedy-drama created by Laurie Nunn. Upon release Sex Education has been highlighted already as one of the best shows of 2019, not to mention considered to be one of the best Original Series Netflix has produced. Through its charm, wit and awkward sexua...
Want Merriam-Webster to bring it? Consider it 'brought.' Or is it 'brang?' 'Maybe it's 'brung?' Many dictionaries recognize these alternative past tenses of 'bring' but 'brought' is by far the most standard version. Read on for more about this verb.
There are questions like, ‘What makes an ending happy?’ Or ‘What is considered a happy ending?’ That’s obviously not what I’m looking for. It’s more the opposite. Tragic love plots gives me cringes while endings like, ‘They live happily ever after.’ really spoil my mood. To...
What is the definition of regardless and irregardless? They both mean “despite everything.” Is irregardless a word? Yes, although it’s considered nonstandard language, it’s still a real word that can be found in many dictionaries. How are irregardless and regardless used in a sentence?
Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (aka EVA) is considered a safer alternative to PVC because it does not have chlorine, phthalates, and BPA. But I always ask what is used instead. (And really get answers.:( But we can get answers if we stick together. I hope you will join my blog.) And ...
What is Minge in British slang? / (mɪndʒ) / noun British taboo, slang.the female genitals.women collectively considered as sexual objects. What is a winger in Australian slang? What doeswhingemean? Whinge means to complain or whine. Whinge is primarily used in the U.K. and Austra...