English and Spanish with Great Experienced Tutor See tutors like this In some countries, 'what is your name' is 'Que es tu nombre?' or 'Come te llamas? (formal: Come se llama?' (how are you named). 'Como te va?' is very familiar, when meeting someone you don't know well, thi...
The teacher began by reviewing some basic math vocabulary:volume,cone,prism, andcylinder. She held up various objects and asked students, “What is this figure?” and “What are some examples of these figures in real life?” For each figure, she asked students with different home languages ...
A.Bluelightexposureishardlyavoidable. B.Eyeproblemsarenoteasytodealwith. C.Bluelightmayconnectwithtiredeyes. D.Rubbingeyesmakespeoplestrained. 11.Accordingtothetext,wearingblue-light-blockingglassesmaybe . A.tiring B.harmful C.useless D.beneficial D Windfarmshavebeenconsideredastheway tofightglobalwarmin...
In individuals who know more than one language, the languages are always active to some degree. This has consequences for language processing, but bilinguals rarely make mistakes in language selection. A prevailing explanation is that bilingualism is supported by strong cognitive control abilities, deve...
Seminogram, spermiogram, or basic spermogram is a test used to evaluate semen quality. For this purpose, a macroscopic and microscopic study of the semen sample is performed and the values obtained are compared with the reference values established by th
In addressing this question, the roles of both biological and social influences are considered. Although there is reason to believe some sex differences in behavior and attitudes have a biological basis, the existence of historical and cross-cultural variation in gender role differentiation and ...
The labor-intensive harvesting is done by hand by agave farmers known as jimadores. Here are the main steps for turning agave into tequila: Agave harvesting: When ready to be harvested, the spiny leaves and roots are cut off the main plant body, called the agave heart or piña, which...
It is also considered to be a one alphabet character in the Tagalog/Filipino alphabet. Such as the word ngayon, nga-yon, that means "now" or "in the present" where when written in Baybayin is ᜅᜌᜓ traditionally and ᜅᜌᜓᜈ᜔ with the Spanish dot. The letter Ñ ...
it is recommended to let pass at least 72 hours from the operation, because although it is simple can lead to some discomfort. In any case, it depends on how each patient recovers. As for safety regarding the possibility of pregnancy, I advise you to use a barrier method such as a cond...
Sorr Andrea I have to disagree here. To call a level between B1 and B2 a ‘tourist’ level is wrong at best, it could be considered insulting. I believe most tourists never reach a strong A2. When I reached B2 in Spanish I had to be able to watch films with ease, read novels, no...