What is an example of an organism that digests food extracellularly? Distinguish among producers (autotrophs), consumers (heterotrophs), decomposers and detritus feeders (detritivores), and give an example of each. What are considered decomposers because they secrete digestive enzymes that break down...
What is biology? What is an organism? A Branch of Study: Biology is one branch of science that includes many different areas of study. Biologists are scientists that study the various areas of biology, which include zoology, botany, microbiology, molecular biology, and ecology. ...
Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near. Organisms have a great variety of ways for adapting. They may adapt in their structure,function,and genetics(遗传素质);in their development and production of the young;and in other respects. An organism may create...
Generally, most scientists assess the growth of organisms by measuring the organism's height, length, or mass of an organism and plotting either of the results against time. In most living species, growth is slow when the organism or the organisms are young and later becomes rapid as the ...
somethingiswrongwith阻总不能说因为我开过一次你的车,你就有权每次车出了问题就怪我。 15 subordinate (〜sb./sth.to)putsb.orsth.inalessimportantposition使处于次要地位;使从属于… Themessageitconveyedwasasimpleone:Therewouldbenopeaceandharmonyuntilindividualsare subordinatedtosociety,aspartsofanorganismare...
That which is organized; an organized existence; an organism The cell may be regarded as the most simple, the most common, and the earliest form of organization. Agency An administrative unit of government; The Central Intelligence Agency The Census Bureau Office of Management and Budget Tennessee...
If it's defined by having the biggest brain,then sperm whales(抹香鲸)—whose brain is 20 pounds —would be the brightest creatures on Earth.But,more likely,it's how a brain is wired.Viewed in this way,intelligence is what gives an organism the best chance to survive in an environment....
The great philosopher Aristotle is generally considered the first person to systematically categorize things. 伟大的哲学家亚里士多德一般会被认为是系统地为生物分类的第一人。 He divided all living things into two groups. 他把所有的生物分成了两个类别。
The malnutrition of children is terribly tragic. But the crime lies in society"s unrestrained breeding, not in its negligence in producing fish powder. But wherever the population projects are carefully considered, the answer to the problem is something like this: There are few projects that ...
If it’s defined by having the biggest brain, then sperm whales—whose brain is 20 pounds—would be the brightest creatures on Earth. But, more likely, intelligence is what gives an organism the best chance to survive in an environment. Language may be one of the best ways to demonstrate...