Although born in South Africa, Bessie Head spent much of her life in Botswana, and is widely considered one of the country’s most influential writers. First published in 1971, Maru tells the story of an orphan who goes to teach in a remote village in Botswana and how her presence polariz...
Adolescent girls may also seek pediatric gynecology services as they mature if they begin to develop problems related to menstruation, including the experience of very painful menstruation. These patients may also rely on pediatric gynecologists for assistance in choosing contraceptive methods. In some ar...
If someone doesn’t identify with an exclusively male or female gender, they may call themselves “non-binary.” If someone is flexible about the gender they identify as they may call themselves “gender fluid.” These identities are considered part of the trans community, but because gender ...
their only life line, for help. It is YOUR JOB to help them. Ignoring them to “train” them is inhumane. You train a dog. You raise a child.
Without anyone ever explaining to me that maybe not everything is true, or has to be true for me. I am also referring to things like “all girls are ‘girly’, like pink, flowers, gossip and other ‘girly things’, must be sexy (yet not too sexy) to be considered a prope...
He began recording his own music at home on an 8-track long before it was considered ‘retro’ to do so. Over the years he’s been in more bands than one could comfortably keep track of; Tin Honey Gold, Idiot Purge, and St. Bastard, to name a few. If you’re looking for a ...
is classical conditioning. In classical conditioning, an individual responds to something that scares them by generalizing the fear of that specific thing or situation to more generalized things or situations. For example, a person may respond to a real threat by one dog to developing a phobia ...
trying to keep at bay the dark shadow of our horrifically corrupted, guilt-stricken condition by constantly seeking validation of ourselves, and constantly blocking out and, if necessary, attacking any criticism of our sense of goodness, worth and meaning, is why we are an immensely egocentric, ...
Given the percentage of Jack-Asses and Fools (you can decide which camp I belong in), running into an off-leash dog is going happen every couple weeks. Later, I was able to appreciate her being out there, going for a run. What I was able to do in that moment was understand enough...
is classical conditioning. In classical conditioning, an individual responds to something that scares them by generalizing the fear of that specific thing or situation to more generalized things or situations. For example, a person may respond to a real threat by one dog to developing a phobia ...