2.1 supervised learning(used most) -从 "正确答案 "中学习 data comes with input x and output y regression:学习输入、输出或 x 到 y 的映射,以预测数字 classification: 预测类别(可能输出的有限小集合,既可以是数字,也可以是非数字) 2.2 unsupervised learning -从未标明的数据中发现有趣的东西 data only...
What Is a Concept Drift, and Does It Affect Machine Learning Performance?Breskuvien, DaliaDzemyda, GintautasVilnius University Proceedings
Supervised machine learning is the most common type. Here, labeled data teaches the algorithm what conclusions it should make. Just as a child learns to identify fruits by memorizing them in a picture book, in supervised learning the algorithm is trained by a data set that’s already labeled....
An epoch in machine learning refers to one complete pass of the training dataset through a neural network, helping to improve its accuracy and performance.
Preamble Figure 1: The oldest learning institution in the world; University of Bologna. (Source: Wikipedia). Machine Learning (ML) is now a de-facto skill for every quantitative job and almost every industry embraced it, even though fundamentals of the f
Machine learning is a subset of AI, which uses algorithms that learn from data to make predictions. These predictions can be generated through supervised learning, where algorithms learn patterns from existing data, or unsupervised learning, where they discover general patterns in data. ML models can...
What is the concept of training data in machine learning? Training data is the initial dataset used to train a machine learning model. It consists of input variables and the corresponding output, enabling the model to learn and make predictions based on new, unseen data. ...
So what is pruning in machine learning? Pruning is an older concept in the deep learning field, dating back to Yann LeCun’s 1990 paperOptimal Brain Damage. It has recently gained a lot of renewed interest, becoming an increasingly important tool for data scientists. The ability to deploy si...
CNN in machine learning is a widely used deep learning algorithm that excels at image recognition and processing, helping computers mimic human vision and understanding.
Continuous learning is the ongoing expansion of knowledge and skill sets. In the context of professional development in the workplace, it's about developing new skills and knowledge while also reinforcing what has been previously learned. The definition of continuous learning is broad. The continuous...