Compost tea, when used properly, enhances the taste of fruits and vegetables. It increases the brix level, or sugar to water ratio of plants. This results in smoother, sweeter tastes being noticeably present in plants that have been treated with the tea.Another benefit of compost teas is that...
What is compost tea? Part IIngham, Elaine
liquid from the compost collects in the base. This is referred to as compost tea and is used to fertilize indoor and outdoor plants. Barrels can hold up to 7 cubic feet (2.13 cubic
The old-fashioned way to make compost tea is to take a shovel full of finished compost and put it in a bucket, then fill the bucket with water and just let it sit for two or three days. When the time is up, strain the tea and use it to water your plants or use it as a folia...
Composting is the process of recycling organic materials into decomposed matter called compost, a natural fertilizer that can be used to fortify soil and plants.
Making compost is pretty simple, once you get started: Choose a site for the compost pile. Choose a structure. Add the compost materials. Care for and feed the compost pile. Collect the finished compost for use. Choose a Site Where to place your compost pile is an important thing to cons...
This guide answers all your questions about compost, including what goes into the pile, what stays out, where to keep your bin, and what is composting.
Worm tea is fertilizer made by soakingworm castingsin water to extract the valuable nutrients inside. Gardeners who practice vermicomposting can make their own, while others can order castings or prepared tea from gardening stores. This fertilizer can be used on indoor and outdoor plants and is ...
Compostis one of nature’s best mulches and easy way to add nutrients to your soil. Wouldn’t you like to have that beautiful garden or grow your own organic food? Since compostimproves soil structure, texture and increases the soil’s water holding capacity, why buy and waste money on an...
We’ve already coveredwhat is compostable, but learning whatnotto put in a compost bin is equally important. Certain items—some food scraps and organic waste included—can spoil your efforts or at least inhibit the process. In the worst-case scenario, you could contaminate the whole heap. A...