Prolongedgriefdisorder (PGD), or complicated grief, can happen after a person close to you has died within at least 6 months (12 months for children and teens). You may feel a deep longing for the person who died and become fixated on thoughts of them. This can make it hard to functio...
Post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD, is a mental health disorder that occurs when an individual is exposed to a horrific or traumatizing event. According to the DSM, PTSD is considered an anxiety disorder. People who have PTSD often have flashbacks of the trauma and are so...
Of course, while BDSM is not for everyone (Britton herself identifies more as vanilla than kink), there is more and more recognition that it is 100 percent normal to fantasize about it. What’s more, given the reclassification of BDSM and related behaviors in theDSM-Vand theFifty Shades of...
Background: Grief is a natural and individualized response to different losses, but if grief persists or becomes pathological, professional interventions are required. Grief and corresponding interventions have received increasing attention, as the related concepts have been incorpor...
What Is Depression? It’s normal to experience sadness. (Whodidn’tcry when Simba couldn’t wake up Mufasa?) But unlike typical sadness or grief, time can’t and won’t heal Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), the term for clinical depression, which most people just call “depression.” It...
This is solely a treat- ment issue, however; the DSM-IV-TR version of trauma should be strictly adhered to when making a formal stress disorder diagnosis. Major Types of Trauma Surveys of the general population suggest that at least half of all adults in the United States have experienced ...
Grief is enormously painful for many people, but we generally move through the pain, shifting continuously into and out of it, as the intensity of the sadness lessens over time. For most people who are bereaved, professional intervention is neither necessary nor even beneficial, particularly ...
The debate about what mental states should qualify as a true disease is always lively. Furthermore, it heats up every time a new version of official classifications comes out, such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or the International Classifi...
"what is mental illness?" can put things into perspective, in the months leading up to the publication of the dsm-5. it's a clear, thorough, and lively accounting of the problems facing mental health and its practitioners today, and will prove a fascinating read to scientist and layperson...
The bottom line: Depression is a complicated condition with many treatment options—and therapy is one you’ll probably want to consider. You may have to try several therapists before you find one you really love, but once you do, you’ll learn so much about yourself and how to cope with...