These drugs may be heralded asgamechangerswhen it comes to getting people to lose weight, but several trials have shown clear weight regain when treatment is withdrawn. For example, participants who withdrew once-a-week treatment with Wegovy in the internationalStep-1 trial, regained more than h...
"It seems like there isn't really anything comparable out at the present time," Buettner said, with the exception of Mounjaro, which iscurrently approved for diabetesbut expected to be approved for weight loss soon. OzempicandWegovyare both relatively new on the market, and have rare, mor...
These drugs may be heralded asgamechangerswhen it comes to getting people to lose weight, but several trials have shown clear weight regain when treatment is withdrawn. For example, participants who withdrew once-a-week treatment with Wegovy in the internationalStep-1 trial, regained more than h...