密歇根大学 - "What is college for?" 第一章总结 注:本文不代表总结者观点 第一章关注学生和老师之间的关系。两者之间的动态是学习过程的一个基本并且难以衡量的方面。D说,教学是一种生成行为,其中一代人的知识会传给下一代。通过教学行为,我们在生活中学到的一切都不会丢失。 理想主义的学习过程无疑是一种...
What Is College For? ByGARY GUTTING Most American college students arewrapping upyet another semester this week. For many of them, and their families, the past months or years in school have likely involved considerable time,commitment, effort and expense. Was it worth it? When practical skills...
Andrew DelbancoCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYWhat . . . are today’s prevailing answers to the question, what is college for? There are basically three. The mon answer is an economic one, though it is really two linked answers: first, that providing more people with a college education is good for ...
In spit of learning, it's common to attend an association. It's good for you to train your ability that how to communicate with different people and have good relationship with them. All in all, college is designed to be a time of personal growth and expansion. It's precious for us ...
Andrew DelbancoCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYWhat . . . are today’s prevailing answers to the question, what is college for? There are basically three. The most common answer is an economic one, though it is really two linked answers: first, that providing more people with a college education is good...
What is college for Hello everyone, it is my honor to stand here and share my opinions with you. Today my topic is What is college for.Since we have been in BUPT and taken its education for about one semester, we must all have our purposes of attending college in our mind. Here is ...
“Basically so I can make some money and then take it easy.” A college student described her priority as “having a job when you get out”. As for broad scholarship that might expand one's vision or values, another student declared: "I'm not interested in hearing about the profes...
Moreover,86percentofthesegraduatesthink “collegehasbeenagoodinvestmentforthempersonally.” Nonetheless,thereisincessanttalkaboutthe“failure”ofhigher education.(AnthonyGraftonatTheNewYorkReviewofBooks 消防中队副中队长2016年度述职报告 今年以来,在各级领导的关心支持下,我认真钻研业务,始终以高标准严格要求自己,...
What Is College for? The Public Purpose of Higher Education. At a time when higher education attendance has never felt more mandatory for career success and economic growth, the distinguished contributors to this pro... Lagemann, Ellen Condliffe, Ed.,Lewis, Harry, Ed. - 《Teachers College Pres...
What Is College for? [1] In the picture,a boy tells his parents that he has decided to go to university because he wants to party for five years before he starts to work. Obviously, his remark astonishes his mum.[2] The picturealerts us to a fact that nowadays most young people hav...