密歇根大学 - "What is college for?" 第一章总结 注:本文不代表总结者观点 第一章关注学生和老师之间的关系。两者之间的动态是学习过程的一个基本并且难以衡量的方面。D说,教学是一种生成行为,其中一代人的知识会传给下一代。通过教学行为,我们在生活中学到的一切都不会丢失。 理想主义的学习过程无疑是一种...
High school is an important stage for students before go to college. Everybody implants the idea to their minds that college life will be wonderful, so high school students work so hard to fight for the future college. According to the research, students from middle and high schools were ...
CWhat is college(大学) life like? About40 students at an elementary school inVirginia, the US experienced it not long ago.They had a field trip(实地考察旅行) to theUniversity of Virginia.The field trip is part of the Day in theLife Programme. Every year the programmetakes some young stu...
High school is an important stage for students before go to college. Everybody implants the idea to their minds that college life will be wonderful, so high school students work so hard to fight for the future college. According to the research, students from middle and high schools were ask...
aFor students who finish high school,one of the choices they will have to make is whether to continue higher education. Different people will have different choices of their own,but for me,I think I should attend university. Going to college is to get a higher level of education. To acqui...
What is college The special factory What is college ? To this topic , perhaps everyone have a different opinion . And it’s surely normal that the topic various from one to another . Because you and he is different and do not have a same life or thought. Maybe he think college is ...
. . are today’s prevailing answers to the question, what is college for? There are basically three. The mon answer is an economic one, though it is really two linked answers: first, that providing more people with a college education is good for the economic health of the nation; and ...
英语里college 指的是中学,而美语习惯把非综合性的大学叫college。在美国college并不意味着比university差(这点要区别于中国的分类方式:国内习惯把学校分为重点和非重点,要么就是分本科院校和专科院校),在美国如果一个学校不能被叫做university,并不是因为他不好,只是因为他有明显的侧重点,一些领域...
What Is College for? [1] In the picture,a boy tells his parents that he has decided to go to university because he wants to party for five years before he starts to work. Obviously, his remark astonishes his mum.[2] The picturealerts us to a fact that nowadays most young people hav...
Andrew DelbancoCOLUMBIA UNIVERSITYWhat . . . are today’s prevailing answers to the question, what is college for? There are basically three. The most common answer is an economic one, though it is really two linked answers: first, that providing more people with a college education is good...