Clark Kent is a Private Investigator and former military, a more assertive and proactive Superman. This is the second story ("Act II") of an alternate universe series starting with the author's "Investigate." With Luthor's empire in shambles, another quickly moves in to take its place. Ho...
Red teaming work is a type of ethical hacking in which security experts emulate the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of real attackers. Ethical hackers have the same skills and use the same tools as malicious hackers, but their goal is to improvenetwork security. Red team members and...
Red Hat® OpenShift® is a popular PaaS built aroundDockercontainers and Kubernetes. What is software as a service (SaaS)? Software as a service (SaaS)is application software that is hosted in the cloud, and it serves as the primary delivery model for most commercial software today. Popul...
Oslo, Norway – July 1, 2024 – Opera GX, the browser for gamers, is bringing a significant update to the browser’s built-in AI, Aria. This update provides users with the latest AI features that Opera has been releasing as part of their experimental AI Feature Drops program in the Deve...
pid=15588is the PID of the process doing the call of thesys_killfunction to kill theHTTPD service. Soruce code Let's try to understand from the source how things are running in the background. oSYSCALL_DEFINE2function accepts the signal and process ID which needs to be killed and then ...
your health code will officially turn back to “green”. 红码转绿码方式 Turn a red health code back to green “红码”人员,请务必做到以下几点: 1.红码人员应立即向属地社区(村)、单位或疾控部门报告,如实准确提供个人...
What to do if your flight is canceled 1. Get on the airline's app – or make an international call First, pull up the airline's app on your phone. Most airline apps allow you to easily rebook your flight for free, provided you can supply your six-character reservation code. Getting ...
message is displayed on the console: Raw File: arch/x86_64/kernel/traps.c asmlinkage __kprobes void default_do_nmi(struct pt_regs *regs) { unsigned char reason = 0; int cpu; cpu = smp_processor_id(); ... if (!cpu) reason = get_nmi_reason(); ... if (reason & 0x40) io_ch...
The explanation for why some eyes are blue is the same as why the sky is blue, a phenomenon known as the Tyndall effect. Light is scattered by particles in the atmosphere (or by the opaque layers in the iris) with blue scattered more than red. Blue iris is an example of a structural...
“The administration and European allies believe this approach of incrementalism has been a really effective way to tamp down the risk of escalation and to prevent a direct US-Russia military confrontation,” said Andrea Kendall-Taylor, director of transatlantic security at Washington think-tank Center...