If the library is unable to create a websocket connection at all, this event willnotbe emitted. To catch events at the connection level, you must bind toerrorevents on the connection as described inBinding to connection events channel.bind("pusher:subscription_error",(error)=>{}); ...
clientX Property Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the viewport (that is, the browser's client area). clientY Property Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the viewport (that is, the browser's cli...
.css("top",(event.clientY+25)+"px") .css("left",(event.clientX-30)+"px") .css("position","absolute"); }); 保留小数后2位 //强制保留2位小数,不足补全function toDecimal2(x) { var f=parseFloat(x);if(isNaN(f)) {returnfalse; } var f= Math.round(x*100)/100; var s=f.toSt...
ontouchmove="event.preventDefault()" //锁定viewport,任何屏幕操作不移动用户界面(弹出键盘除外)。 ###利用 Media Query监听 Media Query 相信大部分人已经使用过了。其实 JavaScript可以配合 Media Query这么用: var mql = window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)"); mql.addListener(handleOrientationChange);...
If the library is unable to create a websocket connection at all, this event willnotbe emitted. To catch events at the connection level, you must bind toerrorevents on the connection as described inBinding to connection events channel.bind("pusher:subscription_error",(error)=>{}); ...
clientX Property Gets the x-coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the viewport (that is, the browser's client area). clientY Property Gets the y-coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the upper-left corner of the viewport (that is, the browser's cli...