How to Clear Floats? What is Clearfix?A clearfix is a way for the parent element to clear or fix its elements automatically, so no additional markup is needed. In a float layout, it is generally used where elements are floated to stack horizontally. It is a CSS hack that solves a ...
Toast is a CSS framework as simple as it can be, but no simpler. A twelve column responsive grid makes layouts a breeze, and with box-sizing you can add padding and borders to the grid, without breaking a single thing. ...
Unsemantic.This is an extremely common class name, which applies a bit of trickery to get the element to contain all of its decendant floats rather than collapse. But it has nothing to do with the content it contains, thus unavoidably unsemantic.Dan Cederholmrecommends a more feel-goody ...
Atomic CSS is about shifting complexity away from stylesheets and into HTML. When design changes occur in a Atomic CSS project, it is best if you have well-structured HTML templates so that, for example, you can use an editing tool to quickly changeBgc(colorOne)toBgc(colorTwo)wherever you ...
‘top and bottom’ in Flexbox and Grid because we don’t make any assumption as to the writing mode of our document. All of CSS is becoming more writing mode aware; if you are interested in some other properties and values being implemented to make the rest of CSS behave in this same... ... .css ... .css* (eot, woff, svg) I renamed the CSS files to omit the long string of hex digits in the original names. ...
In English, if one margin is negative, the negative margin is subtracted from the positive margin, reducing the total vertical margin. Here’s what that looks like: And if both margins are negative? The same rule holds as if both were positive. However, the margin that collapses is the bi...