However,some insurance providers argued they didn't have to pay outbecause NotPetya, amalware attack linked to the Russian military, classed as an "act of war" that nullified the claim. Other insurance providersdid pay out claims for damage caused by NotPetya. SEE:Ransomware vict...
Effectively this entire article is about ETFs vs OEICs because most index funds are classed asOpen-Ended Investment Companies. However, actively managed funds are structured asOEICs, ICVCs, and Unit Trusts, too. Active funds are not bound to track an index. They can follow whatever strategy ...
Unlike the self-employed, workers are entitled, amongst other rights, to receive aminimum hourly wageand paid annual leave. The judgment upheld the tribunal’s decision that Uber drivers should be classed as workers with access to the minimum wage and paid holidays – in accordance with the ...
I wanted to pass our children's baby pictures down to them when they got married, the same as my mother did for me. I have nothing to give them but a faded print. I do not believe that this is the right way to do business. I feel that I have been cheated be- cause my ...