56. City walk is so popular because it is a talk between people and cities, and it can make us enjoy a slow life. Another reason could be that it allows people to explore and discover new places and experiences in the city. 答案52. City walk 是一种在现代城市中无计划漫步的旅行方式,...
What is Citywalk? It's a new travel trend(趋势)in which people spend time with a few close friends hanging out through the city's streets. What can people do during a citywalk? People can follow unique urban routes(城市路线), discover historic buildings, explore nice shops, and enjoy a ...
Citywalk这个词来源于英语,它是由“city”(城市)和“walk”(步行)两个单词组合而成的合成词。 在英语中,Citywalk通常用来指代位于城市或城市中心的步行街或商业区域,也可以指代类似的户外购物和娱乐区域。 这种概念在全球范围内都很常见,许多城市都有自己的Citywalk,它们成为了城市的标志性地标和热门旅游目的地。 而...
「猫头鹰之城」Fireflies 萤火虫 - Owl City 百万级装备试听【Hi-Res】 03:50 「Reggae 雷鬼乐鼻祖」Three Little Birds 三只小鸟 - Bob Marley 百万级装备试听【Hi-Res】 03:02 「男孩属于我 永恒阳光」the boy is mine - Ariana Grande 爱莉安娜【Hi-Res】 02:55 「着迷」obsessed - Olivia Rodrigo...
city walk,顾名思义是指“城市漫步”,没有具体的目的地,也没有紧张的时间安排,主打一个“慢节奏”。 city walk成为人们探索城市、探索世界的新表达。前段时间还在“青春没有售价,硬座直达拉萨”,如今已经开始用“暴走”,给平平无奇的散步赋予新的社交属性和流行意义。
①People like to take a city walk now. What is a city walk? It means people travel around a city on foot. ②Some people don’t have a plan for a city walk. They just walk along the street with some friends. When they see a drink shop, they go and buy some drinks. When they ...
People like to take a city walk now. What is a city walk? It means people travel around a city on foot.Some people don't have a plan for a city walk.They just walk along the street with some friends.When they see a drink shop, they go and buy some drinks. When they see a ...
City walk③|像蜗牛一样的生活是一种什么样的体验?(City walk③|What is it like to live like a snail?)青瓦白墙,花团锦簇。村口处,一个象征“慢生活”的几米高的巨大蜗牛造型吸引不少游客驻足留影。意味着在这里能够享受像这只蜗牛一样的慢生活。Blue tiles, white walls,and countless flowers. ...
Citywalk这个词来源于英语,它是由“city”(城市)和“walk”(步行)两个单词组合而成的合成词。 在英语中,Citywalk通常用来指代位于城市或城市中心的步行街或商业区域,也可以指代类似的户外购物和娱乐区域。 这种概念在全球范围内都很常见,许多城市都有自己的Citywalk,它们成为了城市的标志性地标和热门旅游目的地。
i just got off the ph i just have one probl i just lonely i just love my girl i just think this is i just wanna be the o i just wanna be your i just wanna cry i just wanna live whi i just wanna stay in i just want to feel y i just wanted you to i just work here ...