A green card is a form of identification that establishes a non-citizen's permanent residence as being in the United States. With a green card, people... Learn more about this topic: Immigration to the U.S. (1900-2010): Changes & Trends ...
Israeli nationality law is the law of the nation of Israel that stipulates who can and can not be an Israeli citizen. According to Israeli law, people... Learn more about this topic: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Lesson for Kids from
In modern times, a citizen is a legal member of a country, with the right to vote and the obligation to obey its laws. Citizenship can be acquired through birth within a country, through descent from a citizen parent, through marriage to a citizen, or through a naturalization process that...
Naturalization is the process by which a person who isn’t a citizen of a country is granted legal citizenship. It may require an application to be submitted or can be determined by statute, which means it is granted automatically without any action required from the newly made citizen. Some...
How become a Citizen? 1. Birth a. By Blood – parents are citizens b. By Soil – born on the recognized territory of the nation-state 2. Naturalization a. Sign a declaration of intention with Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) b. File an application c. Interview d. Pass Citizensh...
If you’ve demonstrated good moral character for the required five years (or three years if you’re married to a U.S. citizen) before you apply for naturalization, then USCIS may overlook your lack of Selective Service registration. That’s why some naturalization applicants wait to file their...
In the United States, the exam is called the naturalization test and is administered by U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services. All immigrants applying for citizenship must take the test. The U.S. citizenship exam tests the applicant’s ability to read, write and speak English, as well as ...
@Monika - I agree, it does make sense to split up the duties of naturalization and border patrol and give them to two separate agencies. However, I feel like the duties of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection are pretty similar. The word "customs" is even ...
General / By US-Immigration.com Citizenship is defined as the status of being a legal member of a particular country. A citizen of a country is someone on whom all the social and political rights of the country are conferred upon. Citizens of the U.S. have the right to live, work and...
How a Citizen Test Works A U.S. citizen is either born in the United States or satisfies the requirements of naturalization, which is a legal process established by Congress.1 The citizen test, from Internal Revenue Code Section 152, is one of several tests that must be met in orderfor ...