Thank you to all the candidates, and congratulations to this year's CIS High School Student Council! If you have any concerns or questions about student life or the school community, please feel free to ask any one ...
C. Kids need physical erercis e to show their t alents. D. Students should derelop both mentally and physically.【小题4】 What's th e author's purpos e of writi ng th e tert? A. T o present what LiiNK program is. B. T o show how to rais e success ful children. C. T ...
The quality of a British education is also recognised worldwide.‘English is the language of business, so lots of families – including those from the host country – see the value in sending their child to a British international school,’ explains Colin. ‘It also gives children access to ...
【题目 】阅读理解My friend feels that every kid before a ce rtain age (not sure what that age really is) ca n't make his own decisions, but I don't agre e.I feel that young children have the ability to c hoose, and parents need to provide them with the tools to make that ...
Our current unit in Math is entitled "Roots and Powers." Each team of students searched the International building and surrounding area for examples of special kinds of numbers. The goal was to improve number literacy a...
“一段时间以来,我们已经知道家长越来越愿意寻求多样化的学校教育选择。”他指出,CIS 在 2019 年进行的一项调查发现,孩子在私立学校的家长对学校的满意度要高得多。 而想要进入澳洲私立学校就读,并非是件容易的事情。除了提前申请报名,有些还需要通过考试,即便通过笔试,还要面临面试。
Playtim e reduces students' after-class crea tivity C. Kids need physical erercis e to show their t alents D. Students should develop mentally and phys ically4.What's th e author's purpos e of writing th e ter t? A. T o present what LiiNK program is B. T o show how to ...
21% of transgender people lived in poverty in the U.S. in 2021 compared to 20% of cisgender bisexual women 26% of LGBT families with children experienced poverty in 202114 The report also indicated that LGBTQ+ people of color—notably, "Black, Latinx/Hispanic, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander...
【题目】Do you know what a reso lution is? It's a kind of pro mis e. Most of th e time, we mak e promises to other peopl e. For erample, "Mom, I pro mis e I'm going to tidy my room when I get b ack from school." However, promises you make to yourself ar e ...
The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS) invites applications for multiple faculty positions in both theory and experiment. Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Westlake University Faculty Recruitment, Westlake University School of Medicine Faculty positions are open at four distinct ranks: Assistant Professor,...