(manner) In a chronological manner; with reference to time. He had aged but a year chronologically, but in appearance a decade. Chronologically (sequence) In sequence according to time. His chapters are arranged thematically, not chronologically. Chronologically With respect to chronology; He is ch...
Time is a concept which is sometimes taken for granted. Theoretical physicists often ponder the nature of time and how it relates to the fabric of the universe.Answer and Explanation: Chronological order is the order in which events occurred. Describing events in chronological order entails listing...
答案:BThetextiswritteninchronologicalsequence.() A:错 B:对 答案:BWhatdoyouknowabouttheauthor’shome?() A:largeandold B:smallanddirty C:smallandbeautiful D:largeandnew 答案:ASheofferedmesomefoodthathada___taste.() A:concrete B:peculiar C:special D:particular 答案:CThisisAlexandra,mypersonal...
Chronological order organizes events based on their time sequence, while numerical order sorts items or data based on numbers.
You can choose whatever logical numbering system makes the most sense for the way you do business. Chronological invoice numbering is a great example. This system is based on assigning sequential invoice numbers—i.e., each invoice issued is one number higher than the previous one. If you issu...
A timeline is a visual representation of a chronological sequence of events along a drawn line that helps a viewer understand time relationships. The term can be used to refer to things in the past or future, or that are purely conceptual. Increasingly, timelines combine text and graphic asinf...
What is the importance of cell cycle control? What is the correct order of steps in which invasion occurs? What is chronological order? What is the correct order of the levels of organization? What is phase shift and circadian rhythm?
3 4 5 6 7 » 第一章测试 1.Which of the following can indicate a flashback? ( ) A:next year B:a long time ago C:then D:in three days 答案:B 2.The text is written in chronological sequence. ( ) A:对 B:错 答案:A
If you’re new to the world of design, the term infographic might be foreign to you. You might wonder: What is an infographic? Why use infographics?
What does order sequence mean? the successive order of two or more things: chronological sequence. 3. asequentially ordered set of related things or ideas. 4. an action or event that follows another or others. What is a Sequence? (GMAT/GRE/CAT/Bank PO/SSC CGL) | Don't Memorise ...