1 March – Pampoenpret (presented in Afrikaans) 2 March – Join in on a pumpkin fun day! (presented in English) 6 March – Basic propagation: Grow your own plants from scratch 7 March – Pasta from scratch with heirloom tomatoes 13 March – Cure your curiosity for charcu...
In reply I received pink card, all in Afrikaans (a South African language descended from Dutch) which, with the help of a friend who worked at South African Airways, I decoded to “We’ve got your application; you’ll hear from us soon.” Several months later, I’d heard nothing furth...
or if she had somehow found out about it, she took little notice. When I arrived back home that evening, she didn’t ask how the evening had gone. I placed the one-hundred-dollar check on the breakfast table where she would see it when she awoke in the morning —and went immediately...