I know that sun is just light energy, but then how does a cell turn that into chemical energy or whatever it needs to make sugars? Obviously, it would have something to do with the chloroplast, since that is where sugars are made. Does the sun activate some sort of proteins in the ce...
Photosynthesis Lesson for Kids: Process & Steps from Chapter 5 / Lesson 3 57K Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food. Learn about photosynthesis and how it works, and discover the three ingredients that plants need to make their own food. Related...
What is the difference between the cell and the matrix? What's the difference between totipotent and pluripotent cells? How is the vascular bundle adapted for photosynthesis? What general functions do the chloroplast and mitochondria have in common? How are they different?
chloroplast: contains chlorophyll pigment and carotenoids and performs photosynthesis chromoplast: contains carotene and xanthophylls. they impart a specific colour to flowers and fruits and help in pollination and dispersal of seeds leucoplast: they are colourless and store various food products, e.g...
Plant cells differgreatly from animal cells. They have a stiff outer covering instead of a fatty one. Most plant cells also contain organelles called chloroplasts. Within each chloroplast, the green pigment (color) chlorophyll uses the Sun’s light energy to combine carbon dioxide and water to ...
Chlorophyll in a plant is found in an organelle called a chloroplast. This is where photosynthesis occurs. Why is photosynthesis important? Photosynthesis also allows plants to make energy for growth and repair, and it has an important ecological impact. Plants incorporate the carbon from carbon dio...
What is RNA-mediated RNA editing?Ribonucleic Acid:Ribonucleic acid is a single-stranded nucleic acid made from nucleotides with ribose sugar and bases such as uracil, adenine, cytosine, and guanine. There are present in the cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplast....
What is used in the light reactions, and what is used in the Calvin cycle? What are the key features of the light reactions and Calvin cycle? Where do they occur in the chloroplast? In which reaction is CO2 required? a. the light reaction b. neither the light reaction nor the...
Which structure is found in plant cells but not animal cells? a) Cell wall b) Chloroplast c) Plastid d) Central vacuole e) Lysosomes. (a) What cell structures are characteristic of eukaryotes vs. prokaryotes? (b) Animals vs. plants? (c) What features are present in a...
The purpose of theH+gradient is to allow the mitochondria, or the chloroplast to convert a molecule of ADP (adenosine diphosphate) into... Learn more about this topic: ATP Lesson for Kids: Definition & Biology from Chapter 2/ Lesson 23 ...