Other collectors commonly used with the electrospinning technique are small mandrels to generate artificial blood vessels or capsules for drug delivery, rotating disk to generate aligned fibers and roll-to-roll collectors to produce fibers on a semi-continuous or continuous process....
Fat binders are generally made from a combination of herbal and plant extracts, with chitosan often being a key ingredient. Chitosan is a natural form of sugar that’s abundant in some plants. As well as being a common element of fat binders, it’s also used for many other medical purpose...
Given the ability of colonic bacteria to selectively cleave glycosidic bonds, several natural polysaccharides have subsequently been investigated as substrates for colonic glycosidases, leading to a variety of formulations for colon delivery. In this respect, amylose, pectin, guar gum, chitosan and xanth...
Clonidine or Catapres is a centrally acting alpha-agonist hypotensive agent. It is most commonly prepared as a hydrochloride salt for use in tablets and capsules, although it is also supplied in oral liquids, injectable solutions, and transdermal patches. Clonidine stimulates alpha-adrenoceptors in ...
Where gelatin is used regularly as a protein supplement, excessive consumption can cause strain on the liver and kidneys. Those with previous kidney or liver problems should contact their doctor before taking any supplement and gelatin capsules is an additional reason to seek advice. ...