Mcds is an abbreviation for McDonald's, the world's most successful fast-food chain. It is often used when texting about where you want to eat. McDonald's originated in California and streamlined the assembly line process of fast-food preparation. The restaurant is famous for the "Big Mac...
First, there was the Victoria sponge, thencoronationchicken, now we have a Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Pudding. The winning lemon Swiss roll and amaretti trifle isa twist ona traditionaltrifle, with layers of Swiss roll, je...
Part of Speech (名) nounWord Decomposition 小 xiǎo small; tiny; few; young 鸡 jī fowl; chicken; (slang) prostituteRelated WordsWords With Same Head Word 小时 xiǎoshí hour 小姐 xiǎojiě young lady; miss; (slang) prostitute 小吃 xiǎochī snack; refreshments ...
Scrawled or illegible handwriting; chicken scratch. Scratch For or consisting of preliminary or tentative, incomplete, etc. work. This is scratch paper, so go ahead and scribble whatever you want on it. Scratch Hastily assembled, arranged or constructed, from whatever materials are to hand, with...
Jewish penicillin is a slang term for chicken soup. Although chicken soup does not contain the antibacterial properties that are...
(slang)A guy that thinks he's fly, and is also known as a buster Adjective ▲ Undesirable, not liked or favored Adjective ▲ Very unlucky or unfortunate Adjective ▲ Lacking the skills or abilities for a given task or job Find more words!
Why there are 2 time zones in France? What is the collision of two oceanic crusts? What flag has two red bars? Is there a live Google Street View? What is the slang for cheap wine? Which parts of UK have hard water? Advertisement...
4. To proceed in a certain direction: made for home; made after the thief. 5. Slang To pretend to be; imitate. Used with like: made like a ballerina. 6. To undergo fabrication or manufacture: This wool makes up into a warm shawl. 7. To rise or accumulate: The tide is making. n...
A chicken, a hen. Cluck A click. See 3d Click, 2. Chuck A clucking sound. Cluck The sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks) Chuck (slang) A friend or close acquaintance; term of endearment. Are you all right, chuck? Cluck Make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens Ch...
orange juice disguised as soy sauce, called Nanchatte soy sauce. Marketed as a gag drink targeted toward children, the spoof sauce was designed to make adults or other children believe the child was actually drinking straight soy sauce. Nanchatte is a Japanese slang term meaning "just kidding....