Golden Chartreuse Hand Dyed Silk Velvet Fabric 4. Hammered velvet Considered to be one of the most lustrous forms of velvet, this type of fabric has been firmly pressed or smashed rather than crushed. The resulting fabric is dappled and highly reminiscent of the coat of a soft, warm animal...
We’ve all been there—the restaurant messed up your order, the cable company double-charged you, or the chartreuse sweater you bought online is actually a lovely shade of highlighter yellow. So, when you’re the recipient of a customer complaint, put yourself in their shoes. In these momen...
I rushed down to my place to shower, put on makeup, re-write my cover letter, print my resume, and remove my chartreuse nail polish. I almost wore a suit, because I’ve been conditioned that interview=suit. I wore black dress pants and a sleeveless top with a high neckline. It was...
Emmanuel Macron, the French President noted, “Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. Nationalism is a betrayal of patriotism. By putting our own interests first, with no regard for others, we erase the very thing a nation holds dearest and the thing that keeps it alive: its moral ...
chartreuse paint, mint green paint, sage green paint, teal paint, maroon paint, burgundy paint, gold paint, silver paint, copper paint, or rose paint tend to grab attention more effectively. Depending on where your location falls, color choice will vary. Just pay close attention to nearby str...