Did I mention, breathing all that chainsaw smoke sucks? [I]t smokes a lot on full trigger, but is the only way to go for effect. Also ranks #2 on Movies That Completely Changed Their Titles, Ranked By How Much They Upgraded Also ranks #2 on The Best Texas ...
Yet, her work on the franchise is rarely mentioned. Similarly,Daria Nicolodi's significant contribution toSuspiria(1977)has been actively suppressed by directorDario Argentoand, as a result, she is routinely overlooked in discussions of the film. Both Stephanie Rothman and Karen Arthur eventually lef...
Ultimate Halloween: Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Photo: Dark Sky FIlms, Bioworld) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: 50th Anniversay Chainsaw EditionDark Sky Selects proudly presents The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 50th Anniversary Chainsaw Edition. This set includes the 4K UHD edition of the feature...
🎥 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2🎥 Vacancy (2007)🎥 The Vatican Tapes🎥 Vice🎥 W.🎥 Wendy Williams: What a Mess!🎥 What Lies Beneath🎥 Where the Scary Things Are🎥 White Noise🎥 Winter Castle🎥 Winnie-The-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 THURSDAY, OCT. 3📺 Reggaeton: The ...
love the very last page of the story, which leads Jeff into one final(?) classic “Jeff is perhaps reading too much into what’s on the page” moment of the run, but at the same time, I suspect that he’s spot on when it comes to some of the subtext, so… that’s a win…?
John Wilkes Boothassassinated president Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865. Booth was a theatre actor from a famed theatrical family. The large monument is the Booth family plot while the small, ummarked tombstone in the foreground is John Wilkes Booth's personal marker. ...
Love it or hate it, horror is one of the most popular movie genres of all time, and, obviously, the most binged during the Halloween season. There are some truly iconic horror movies on Netflix in 2022 with close to 200 being available on Netflix this year. ...
How Is the Movie ‘Psycho’ Involved in the Case? Cover Images Gein served as the inspiration behind movies such asThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Silence of the LambsandPsycho, which will be explored inMonster: The Original Monster.
We all may remember the house from Nightmare on Elm Street or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. When you think of these, you don't exactly get all warm and fuzzy inside. Instead, it's more like a lump in your throat or stomach-sinking feeling. Unfortunately, for some travelers, this is the...
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Get our free mobile app Halloween is right around the corner and whether your intention is to play it safe or get out there, go door to door, hit every party, and get all the candy, what we intend to dress up as seems to be leaning towards the...