Plot large data in R gvisMotionChart From googleVis is not working any suggestion? Problem with applying function to a dataframe Data frame error - "replacement has 4 rows, data has..." How to apply corrr::correlate by group? GGMAP : Unable to create points on the map Writing...
for (i in 3:P){ plot(eps~X[,i], xlab = paste("x",i), ylab = "True Residuals",cex.lab = 1.7) # The next line asks to color the fit if it is significant: col1 <- lwd1 <- ifelse(summary(lm(y~X))$coef[i+1,4]<.05,2,1) abline(lm(eps~X[,i]),col=col1,lwd=lw...
can be used for linear regression # so we use it to performa quick regression on how internet users describe bot infections users <- lm(df$bots~df$intUsers) # and, R makes it easy to plot that model plot(df$intUsers, df$bots, xlab="Internet Users", ylab="Bots", pch=19, cex=0.7...
CHANG-ES (Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies—an EVLA Survey) is an ambitious project to target 35 nearby disk galaxies that are edge-on to the line of sight. The orientation permits both the disk and halo regions to be studied. The observations were ini