The Cambridge ESOL exams, as well as the IELTS exam, are linked to the CEFR levels. So are exams in other languages. This makes it easier for educational institutions and employers across Europe and the rest of the world to assess what your language level is. ...
The test has two levels (A1 and B1) aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Eligibility criteria for the IELTS exam The only requirement for taking the IELTS exam in India and worldwide is that candidates must be at least 16 years old. Individuals aged...
In fact, accent is not evaluated in IELTS speaking.事实上,雅思口语中并没有对口音进行打分。Pronunciation yes, accent, no.发音会有评分,但口音没有。If you wanna find out more about the evaluation of IELTS speaking, check out this video up here.如果你想了解更多关于雅思口语的评分制度,请查看...
In some situations, two of the sections are optional. TCF The Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF) is used in both France and Canada by job applicants and for education purposes, as well as for immigration processes in Québec. Proficiency levels follow the CEFR, from A1 through to ...
English language learners (ELLs) move through six proficiency levels of ELL. Learn more about each of these six levels and what they encompass. Also, earn about internationally recognized language standardization systems, such as IELTS, TOEFL, and CEFR, and consider which system might be best for...
IELTS scores are used by a vast number of institutions and organizations to figure out whether or not your English is “good enough” for eligibility—in immigration, admissions, hiring, etc. So what is a good IELTS score? If you are taking theIELTS for immigration, what constitutes a good...
Special Interest Groups in TESOL and IATEFL also have considerable influence. What’s the problem? Most current SLTE pays too little attention to the question “What are we doing?”, and the follow-up question “Is what we’re doing effective?”. The assumption that students will learn ...
The Cambirdge B2 First (FCE) is a test administered by Cambridge Assessment. The FCE is targeted toward the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Successful completion of the FCE shows that a person has the language skills needed to communicate with confidence in an...
This courseis for non-native English learners who have attained at least a pre-intermediate level of English (approximately A2 on the CEFR). Those looking to improve their business English will find new words and phrases to use in the office. ...
LeveldescriptionCEFRlevelGrammarpracticeforexams Elementaryelementarytopre-intermediateA1/A2KET Intermediatepre-intermediatetoupperintermediateB1/B2 PET FCE AdvancedupperintermediatetoadvancedC1/C2 CAE IELTS WhatisuniqueaboutMyGrammarLab? MyGrammarLaboerseverylearneroEnglishtheopportunitytostudygrammarinthewaythatbest ...