The meaning of cc is “carbon copy.” While cc is easy to use, you must know the proper etiquette. Learn the purpose of cc in email, the value of it, and when and how to use it.
BCC vs. CC email While the primary goal of the BCC field is to make email addresses invisible to recipients, the CC function aims to ensure individuals are kept in the loop so that they’re aware of what’s going on, but their immediate response isn’t always required. ...
CVE, short for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, is a list of publicly disclosed computer security flaws.
What Is CC? CC (Carbon Copy) allows you to send a copy of an email to additional recipients while making their addresses visible to everyone. It’s best used for keeping people informed without expecting action. Recipients in the “CC” field are visible to everyone in the email. Email se...
When should you use CC in email? Using the CC field is appropriate when: Transparency is important. For example, in professional settings, you might use CC to ensure all relevant parties are aware of the conversation. Keeping multiple recipients informed benefits everyone. If you're working on...
The Ultimate Guide to BCC Email Etiquette: What it is, How to Use it, and Proper Etiquette" - Everything you need to know about BCC in a minute! I wrote a guide on using CC in email, including what it is, how to use it, and the proper etiquette. As a follow-up, I'll do a...
It is displayed as a separate line above the body of an email. The ‘Cc’ (carbon copy) field allows the sender to send a copy of the email to additional recipients. The recipients marked in the ‘To’ field can see the email address(es) listed in the ‘Cc’ field. The ‘Bcc’ ...
With email, Cc: is referred to as “Courtesy Copy” because there is no real hard copy to send. I’ve been Cc’d — what should I do? Unless the Sender specifically asks for your input, a response is not necessarily required. By being Cc’d, you are essentially FYI’d while being...
BCC stands for blind carbon copy. It is very similar to the CC feature, but with one major exception: When you BCC someone on an email, other recipients of the email won’t be able to see it. This means that the recipients in the "To" and "CC" fields won’t know that you includ...
There aren’t any easy answers.Despite the progress that has been made in genetics and psychology human intelligence has remained one of the most controversial areas of modern science,until now that is for the discovery of a gene linked to intelligence has made the experts think again.Robert ...