The Earth is like our mother.She gives live to all the living things on the Earth.And she provice us with air、food、water and other things we need for living.Once she was beautiful ahd rich.But mow she is crying, becacuse she is becoming dirtier and dirtier, poorer and poorer. It'...
In August 2020, Hurricane Isaias wreaked havoc as it traveled along the East Coast, causing damage that had not been seen since Hurricane Sandy. In California, the wildfire season is beginning earlier and ending later. California exceeded 4 million acres burned by wildfires in 2020. More than ...
Mark Patel:The concept of carbon dioxide removal is, if we can’t entirely cut out the activities that are causing emissions, then let’s instead find other mechanisms in which we can remove carbon dioxide, or gases that are equivalent to carbon dioxide. We use the term “carbo...
ButBlattnerassuresthattakingnapscanalsobebeneficial.“Nappingisnotalwaysacausefor concern.Takinganapcanberefreshingandenjoyable,”shesays.“Thekeyis,areyoumissing outonthingsthatyouenjoybecauseyouaretoosleepytostayawake—thatcanindicatea problem—ordoesthenaphelpyougetmoreoutofyourday?” “Takingabriefnapcan...
thatlightcandamageoureyesundercertaincircumstances,there?snoscientificevidencesuggestingthatbluelightisharmfultooureyes.But manypeoplestillthinkitis,whichiswhybluelight-blockingglassesaresopopular.Sodothe glasseswork? “Everyoneisveryconcernedthatbluelight maybecausingdamagetotheeye,butthere?sno evidencethatitmaybeca...
Evidence shows that because of climate-driven warming in the polar regions, the difference in temperature between the Arctic and the tropics has lessened, causing wavy air jet stream patterns. The polar jet stream is a ribbon of air about five to nine miles above the planet’s surface, where...
Six tornadoes developed during the evening of May 28, 2013, varying in strength, causing structural damage. This week, we’ll revisit some of nature’s hazards, explain watches and warnings and provide tips on what you can do to protect yourself and your family during seve...
Scientists say that rainstorms were more intense because of the high pressure surrounding them, causing more rain to persist over the same area. Experts say that climate change is making extreme weather patterns more frequent and unpredictable, with officials in Germany claiming they had no ...
Climate refers to the average weather conditions in a region over long periods, while clime is an archaic or poetic term for climate or region with particular weather.
Why is shipping taking so long right now? Geopolitical tensions, labor shortages, and severe weather conditions are impacting the shipping industry and causing delays in 2024. Why are deliveries so delayed? Deliveries are often delayed due to labor shortages, national holidays, extreme weather, suppl...