Catmint plants may be used as ground cover or to complement taller plants such as rosebushes. This is the result of the plant's ability to hide the lower, less attractive portions of the taller plants. In addition, catmint is often used near walkways, along walls and as edging around a ...
Hardy geraniums and catmint can be cut back almost to ground level.No matter which method is used, make sure to remove the entire flower, not just the petals, as the seeds are contained in the center.WHERE TO DEADHEADThe structure of a plant will determine where to remove spent flowers....
Many people simply plant this type of seed in moist soil. Cold Dry Stratification In this process, seed is kept cold (see definition below) and dry. Placing dry seed in the refrigerator is a common way of doing this. WARNING: Many people think that this technique is the same as “...
While the tops of roses are nice and lush, the bottoms can become leggy and sparse. Good rose companions are those that hide their bare legs. Traditionally,lavender(Lavandula),catmint(Nepeta), and tall growingpinks(Dianthus) all make good partners.2Good companions also act as livingmulches—sup...
Catmint’s aromatic foliage fends off aphids and many other garden pests while the long-blooming flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Unlike its close relative catnip, catmint doesn’t spread aggressively and is a great filler plant between roses. Learn more about growing...
Catmint Peony Iris Cranesbill Coneflower Coral bells Winter Protection for Plants A plant that is only marginally hardy in your region may survive with a bit of extra care. Mulch plants with 2 to 3 inches of wood chips or bark in the fall to provide a layer of insulation. Leave dead plan...
Catnip, catmint, and valerian are easy to grow from seed, and theChlorophytum (spider plant)are well-known for their enthusiastic production of plantlets. More on the Topic: Growing Catnip Are Spider Plants Poisonous to Cats? Is Mint Poisonous To My Cat?
This spring bed is full of textures and contrasts within a purple color theme. Bearded irises, amsonia, andcatmintall bloom around the same time so they make excellent perennial companions. Incorporatingsomething unexpected into the design, such as edible chives, adds interest. ...
The plant is also known as catswort or catmint. But most of us just call it catnip! Its scientific name is Nepeta cataria. It is in the plant family known as Lamiaceae. All About Catnip And Cats When you watch your cat go bananas for catnip it might make you wonder why. What makes...
it is no exaggeration to say that catnip and similar plants would be the genus Nepeta’s single biggest claim to fame. In any case, catnip is specifically Nepeta cataria. However, catnip, catmint, catwort, catswort, and similar terms are sometimes used to refer to the genus Nepeta as a ...