For example, I have a project that needs Python 3.5 using OpenCV 3.3 with older Keras-Theano backend but in the other project I have to use Keras with the latest version and a Tensorflow as it backend with Python 3.6.6 support We don’t want the Keras library to conflict at each other...
Tip: An OpenCV classifier is a machine learning-based approach used to cross-check the trueness of object class through cascade function. OpenCV can be used with any machine learning object detection algorithm. Histogram of Oriented Gradients A more workable version of the erstwhile algorithm, namely...
If it finds enough matches for a certain region, it can be sure that there is an object. Haar Cascade features Haar Feature that looks similar to the bridge of the nose is applied to the face You can easily load the available Haar Cascade Classifier XML files using OpenCV’s ...