Bigger is often better.In economies of scale, large companies with easy access to large pools of capital and labor often enjoy an advantage over small producers that don't have the resources to compete. This condition can result in a producer driving rivals out of business by undercutting them...
What does it mean for such a "econ-56 CHAPTER 1. WHAT IS ECONOMICS?omy" to be "strong"? That requires we humble readers to know, or guess, twothings: what actual things is the word referring to, and how can we tell if thethings are good or bad? Maybe a "strong economy" means ...
Meanwhile, the economists said Fed rate decisions and foreign capital flows were also important, though less than the top three. Chinese yuan's rate in 2019 /Source: CGTN Global Business economists' survey Chinese yuan's rate in 2019 /Source: CGTN Global Business economists' survey For the Chi...
The interpretative analysis suggests that teenagers from the upper-middle class make sense of the internet "vertically," in affiliation with parental socialization, and are more concerned with capital enhancing activities. Instead, teenagers from less advantageous social contexts appropriate the internet "...
Tenure, Experience, Human Capital, and Wages: A Tractable Equilibrium Search Model of Wage Dynamics We model earnings processes allowing for lots of heterogeneity across agents. We also introduce an extension to the linear ARMA model which allows the init... J Bagger,F Fontaine,F Postel-Vinay,...
Semantic Scholar (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献 引证文献Value Driven Intellectual Capital: How to Convert Intangible Corporate Assets Into Market Value From the Publisher:Value-Driven Intellectual Capital is a corporate and finan...
Capitalism is a socio-economic system in which private ownership leads to profit for the owner. In capitalism, the market...
Horwitz, Steven. “The Costs of Inflation Revisited.”George Washington University, 2003, Wilson, Reid. “How Citizens United altered America’s political landscape.”The Hill, January 21, 2020,
Am. Econ. Rev., 48 (3) (1958), pp. 261-297 June 1958 Google Scholar Molina-Masegosa and Gozalvez, 2019 R. Molina-Masegosa, J. Gozalvez LTE-V for sidelink 5G V2X vehicular communications: a new 5G technology for short-range vehicle-to-everything communications IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag....
The United Kingdom's exit from the European Union will have far- reaching implications for the British financial sector. London is currently the financial capital of Europe, and the UK's financial institutions benefit from passport rights that allow them to provide their services throughout the Si...