CBD (Cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis, a plant with a rich history as a medicine going back thousands of years.
Cannabidiol(CBD) is a non psychoactive component of hemp and cannabis that works as ananti-inflammatory,painkiller, muscle relaxer,anti-cancer, andrelaxing agent, without causing the “high” typical of smoked cannabis. It is naturally produced in both hemp and cannabis, but there is typically onl...
Cannabis Sativa is the botanical plant name for hemp, which is a member of the Cannabaceae plant family. Cannabidiol is just one of over80 natural plant compoundsfound in this species of cannabis. Cannabidiol is the main active ingredients in popular CBD products, where powerful natural extracts...
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the 113+ cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant; the most famous of these being THC (Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). Unlike THC, which is responsible for the high associated with cannabis, CBD does not get you high. This does not mean it is without effects, ...
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural chemical found in the cannabis plant. It constitutes one of the many chemicals that are produced by the cannabis plant – all known as cannabinoids. In most types of cannabis plant, CBD is the second-most plentiful cannabinoid. CBD is often associated with extra...
CBN's legal status is more ambiguous, often dependent on whether it's derived from hemp or cannabis. Potential benefits: CBD is well-known for a variety of proven therapeutic benefits like anxiety relief, anti-seizure properties, pain relief, and anti-inflammatory effects. CBN is currently ...
We throw around the shorthand terms CBD and THC all the time, but you may be surprised to learn that there are more than 100 of these compounds, called cannabinoids, present within the Cannabis sativa plant. THC, the psychoactive cannabinoid responsible for the “high” that comes with ...
Get all the information you need on what CBD is, how it’s used, benefits, is it legal where you live, and whether it might be right for you.
CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found most predominantly in the hemp plant. It does not produce the “high” commonly associated with cannabis use, since CBD is non-psychoactive. It is one of over 100 cannabinoids that have been identified in the hemp plant. CBD interacts with the body...
What we know so far is thatCBDtends to be available in higher amounts in cannabis plants. CBL is typically only found in strains with ahigherconcentration of CBC (the cannabinoid that becomes CBL). One of the biggest differences between CBD and CBL is in the sale of these unique compounds...