Business transformation is a term used to describe what happens when a company makes fundamental changes to how it operates, typically with the aim of enhancing both operational and financial performance. A business transformation initiative could apply to the organization as a whole or a part of i...
In such a dynamic business environment, focusing on new ways of working, new capabilities, and new technologies is the way forward. Yet transformations are not easy to get right. Research by McKinsey has long documented that enterprise-wide transformation is difficult, with less than a third of...
A chief transformation officer is the high-level orchestrator of a business transformation. Gray pebbles neatly arranged from small to large To understandthe role of the chief transformation officer (CTO), we first need to understand the “T.” Transformation isn’t just a fancy word for c...
Within this framework, continuous business transformation is understood as an approach to reach a new state through incremental steps in an evolutionary way rather than through a revolution. It occurs within the organization's existing paradigm, and because it never stops, it helps the organization ...
Fast execution:Moving forward efficiently with a course of action is the third capability of digital business transformation. It hinges on having a work culture that promotes innovation and risk taking and is not afraid of failure. “Most new initiatives fail,” asserts the report. “A fast exec...
of businesses due to disruptive innovation particularly with regard to their operational model, business impact and measurement of performance, and mentions the blending of operational model and strategic transformation to achieve what management consulting firm Innosight calls a dual transformation. ...
Interaction involves the resources that actors are entitled to use in order to pursue business transformation. We know from previous research that actors’ ability to design transformative solutions to the problems they face is positively related to design expertise, i.e., “the ability to put ...
Digital transformation is more than a technology initiative. Learn more about how to prepare your business and your teams with solid business transformation planning and services.
In this overview, you’ll learn more about what business is, what it can do, who uses it, and how to learn it so you can determine how to add this skill to your professional toolbox. What Can You Do with Business? With a proper business education, you can choose from many unique ...
View IT as an instrument for business transformation.If you’re asking how IT cansupportothers business units like sales, product development, and marketing, you’re still following a siloed approach. Instead, add IT to those other business units: each one is equally capable of transforming the...