New MXD Editor Tool MXD Editor is a tool that can be used to inspect and fix broken layers in map documents (.mxd files) on Windows, Linux, or Solaris machines that have ArcGIS Engine Java Developer Kit for the Java platform. The tool is based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP)...
A variety of models have been proposed for successful GIS professional development including long-term teacher training lasting up to a year in length. Our study takes an additional step by following up with teachers over a full year after they have completed training to determine if they are ...
Find the definition of GIS. Learn how this mapping and analysis technology is crucial for making sense of data. Learn from examples and find out why GIS is more important than ever.
Based on the direction of the steepest descent in each cell, we measure flow direction. Also, the z-value difference and slope are calculated between neighboring cells. In a given grid cell, water can flow to one or more of its eight adjacent cells. The slope is the ultimate factor in h...
you can access GIS247 whenever you want. So its easy to fit your GIS training in to your day EFFECTIVEGIS TRAINING eLearning is more effective than traditional learning as you can repeat it. This ensures that you can re-watch the presentations and re-do the hands-on exercises until you...
GISP with 15+ years public & private sector GIS experience About this tutor › Topology basics Topology is a collection of rules that, coupled with a set of editing tools and techniques, enable the geodatabase to more accurately model geometric relationships. ArcGIS implements topology through ...
What is Relative Distance and Absolute Distance? The location could also be desired in terms of how long it would take to travel to the U.S. Capitol Building along specific routes. For example, the U.S. Capital Building is a roughly six minute walk southwest from the Russell Senate Office...
A sample map showing the different elements in a map layout. Map: Caitlin Dempsey. ► 1. Data Frame The data frame is the portion of the map that displays the data layers. This section is the most important and central focus of the map document. In this map example, the data frame...
Map notes are a quick and easy way toadd/save features or annotationsto a map in ArcGIS Pro. The best reason to use them is to mark up a map without having to create a feature class beforehand. If you want to learnhow to use map notes on ArcGIS Pro, check out the video below wit...
Un'altra modifica riguardante il meccanismo di backup di ADDS è rappresentata dalla capacità di utilizzare il servizio Copia Shadow del volume per creare istantanee temporizzate di Active Directory. Quando si crea un'istantanea utilizzando NTDSUTIL, il servizio Copia Shadow del volume salva i...