It also honors the bravery of those like the noble lawyer Atticus Finch, who upholds moral values against adversity. 8 Family Family is another universal theme because it pushes us to consider where we come from, how we fit into social groups, and how our formative experiences have shaped us...
The fact is, human life is full of challenges and adversity — but it’s full of meaning and joy, too. Like the survivors in the aftermath of 9/11, people are capable of tremendous fortitude, resilience, and bravery even amid their trauma. People who can find meaning in their challenges...
Main English Definition courage; bravery Simplified Script 胆魄 Traditional Script 膽魄 Pinyin dǎnpò Effective Pinyin (After Tone Sandhi) Same Zhuyin (Bopomofo) ㄉㄢˇ ㄆㄛˋ Cantonese (Jyutping) daam2paak3Word Decomposition 胆 dǎn gall bladder; courage; guts; gall; inner container (e.g...
636K Explore symbolism in literature. Learn the definition of symbolism and understand its different types. Discover various examples of symbolism in literature. Related to this QuestionWhat is an antonym for bravery? Define brave Define courageous What is the abstract noun of courageous? What is ...
What is an antonym for bravery? What is a synonym for denotation? What is an antonym for attentive? What is an antonym for flimsy? What is the antonym of smile? What is an antonym for procrastinate? What is an antonym of ample?
When it comes to the question of good citizenship, plenty of American leaders and laypeople have offered their interpretation. Eleanor Roosevelt, when she was first lady, offered this definition: "A nation must have leaders, men who have the power to see a little farther, to imagine a little...
A hero is defined by the present day Websters Dictionary as: “one who inspires through manners and actions; an individual who leads through personal example and accomplishments requiring bravery, skill, determination, 1009 Words 5 Pages Good Essays Read More Achilles Refusal To Agamemnon In The ...
Praise typically manifests as verbal commendation or positive feedback directed at a person's actions or achievements. It's often used in casual, everyday contexts to acknowledge someone's good work or qualities. On the other hand, veneration is a much stronger form of respect, usually associat...
Definition Courage; also, internal digestive organs Part of the digestive tract; also, instinct 11 Usage in Context Describes bravery or physical anatomy Used for specific internal organ or instinct 9 Implication Collective strength, courage Individual instinct, core understanding 6 Common Phrases "She ...
Courage for a scrum team is simply the bravery to question the status quo or anything that hampers its ability to succeed. Scrum team members should have the courage, and feel safe enough, to try new things. A scrum team should have the courage and feel safe to be transparent about roadbl...