Some of them are: stroke, brain trauma, Alzheimer’s disease, Pick’s disease, senile dementia, Huntington’s disease, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, etc. The main symptom is dementia. It is defined like impairment of memory and intellectual skills. Another symptoms are seizures in various forms...
I have brain atrophy. I did have it when I was born. I feel OK anyway about my living with it. I am so used to having it. I am 48 years old now. One big problem though, is that people think automatically that someone like me is stupid, which I am not. My problems are that ...
Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is divided into four groups based on the severity of the disease and the age at which symptoms first appear. Type I:Also called Werdnig–Hoffmann disease or infantile-onset SMA. Infants aged zero to six months old get affected, with most babiesshowing symptoms b...
Cerebellar atrophy is a degeneration of the cerebellum, a section of the brain responsible for balance, voluntary muscle movements, and posture. People with damage to the cerebellum can experience symptoms like unsteady gait, poor muscle control, and trouble speaking or swallowing. This condition may...
Reviewing the patient’s past medical history and exploring associated symptoms and complaints may help determine the diagnosis. Physical examination is very helpful in trying to localize a potential brain lesion. A careful neurologic exam may be useful in finding weakness, changes in sensation (includ...
It is also possible for cerebral atrophy to be present at birth. This can occur as part of a neurological syndrome, or due to insufficient brain development. Symptoms Brain atrophy essentially means that neurons and their connections to each other have undergone necrosis. The affected areas cannot...
What part of the brain is involved in eating disorders? a. What are the main symptoms of bipolar disorder and its impairment on an individual? b. What "group" of disorders does it fall under? What do acute and post-traumatic stress disorder ...
Atrophy | Definition, Types & Properties from Chapter 14/ Lesson 23 45K What is Atrophy? Learn the Atrophy definition and see its causes and various symptoms. See common Atrophy examples and treatments. Related to this Question What is temporal lobe atrophy?
Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Symptoms When blood flow to your optic nerve decreases, you will notice a darkening of your vision for a little while before it goes back to normal. This behavior is known as atransient ischemic attack. It usually precedes the onset of ischemic optic neuropathy. ...
I'm not a doctor, but from what I've learned, yes it can. Atrophy can be caused by several things, one of them being severe brain injury. I just learned my 39 year old boyfriend has brain atrophy. The only logical explanation is all the fights he's been in. Very sad disease. ...