Floor Cleaner(1/3 cup Borax, 1-gallon warm water, squirt of dishwashing detergent, splash of ammonia) Window Cleanerfor filthy windows (1/3 cup Borax, 1-gallon warm water, wash with a soft cloth (don’t “scrub”), then rinse using fresh water with a soft cloth before drying to minim...
However, this doesn't make borax categorically safe. The most common problem with exposure is that inhaling the dust can cause respiratory irritation, particularly in children. Ingesting large amounts of borax can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.2 The European Union (EU), Canada, and I...
There are a ton of recipes if you want to make your own homemade borax cleaner. If you want to clean your carpet, all you have to do is add half a cup of borax per gallon of water. You can also use borax as a toilet bowl cleaner. Pour a box of sodium borate powder (borax) i...
Borax is mined from deposits in dried lake beds. 6 Alkaline Can be dangerous if highly concentrated. Industrial alkaline cleaners must be handled with care to avoid burns. 6 Borax Used as a household cleaner and laundry booster. Adding borax to your laundry can help remove tough stains. 6 ...
Add borax, washing soda (sodium carbonate) and laundry detergent at a ratio of 1:1:2, in that order. For example, a good amount is 1/4 cup of borax, 1/4 cup of washing soda, then 1/2 cup of laundry detergent. Once all the ingredients are in the water, stir until they dissolv...
Borax is renowned as a detergent booster, cleaner and freshener in its natural, unprocessed state. The boric acid derived from borax is a herbicide and insecticide. It is also used in the manufacture of agricultural chemicals, fire retardants, water softeners, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, glass, ce...
Borax:Though TSP and borax are not the same, they can both be used to clean and cut through surface grease. Dawn:You can use the original blue Dawn dish detergent instead of TSP to cut through surface grease. Pressure-washing:This is another alternative to cleaning outside surfaces without ...
The real secret to a great-looking tile floor isclean grout. Because grout is porous and absorbs grease and other stains, it can be tricky to keep clean. Here's how to get your grout to look like new: Make a DIY grout cleaner:Skip commercial cleaners and instead make a paste of bakin...
Chlorine bleach is salt water that electricity has slightly changed. Schafer & Hill / Getty Images Chlorine bleach is a household staple, a go-to cleaner and a laundry room essential. While using it to clean up your spaces, you might have asked yourself, "Is chlorine bleach?" In this ar...
The best way is to identify the source of the dust and address it. Also, ensure that your home has adequate ventilation. Other steps you can take include: Vacuum regularly Clean your curtains regularly Swap fabrics for leatheror vinyl, which can easily be washed or wiped ...