Bone density is the amount of bone mineral people have in their bone tissue. If bone density is low, it can lead to osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle, and can easily break or fracture. How do age and gender impact bone mass?
I'm ready to give up. For the last 2 1/2 years my muscles from my waist clear to the top of my head go into spasm. They get so tight, i have trouble breathing and it feels like someone is trying to tear my ears off. I have ended up in the ER several times due to this. ...
Research in Germany showing that female power athletes have higher bone-mineral density than non-weight-trained athletes; Study from Memphis State University showing that male athletes need calcium supplements to prevent the loss...
Bone density or bone mineral density is the amount of bone mineral in the bone tissue. Bone density measurements are used in clinical medicine as an indicator of osteoporosis, a disease that makes your bones weak, and increases the risk of fractures. It can also indicate your response to trea...
What is a good bone mass number? Bone Mass: The National Cancer Institute defines 'bone mass' as 'a measure of the amount of minerals (mostly calcium and phosphorous) contained in a certain volume of bone.' Measuring bone mass is usually done to diagnose osteoporosis, a disease in which ...
For years, body mass index was the most popular form of determining whether or not someone was overweight or obese. However, this system is quickly going out of fashion in favor of the more accurate waist-to-hip measurement that is a better determiner of overall health, not just weight. ...
You break a bone after age 50. The test is painless and fast. It uses X-rays to estimate how dense or thick your bones are. Often, the first sign your bones are getting weak is when they break. Many people have a fracture or a series of fractures in their spine and don’t even ...
What is the congenital disease that affects only males? Loss of bone with age, not as severe as osteoporosis: ___ A lack of exercise could A) cause bones to lose their medullary cavity. B) result in porous and weak bones. C) cause bones to become thicker. D) cause bon...
You may not know you have it until you break a bone. Osteopenia must be managed or treated so it does not worsen and become osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a serious condition that causes bones to become weak, brittle, and easily fractured....
You have a genetic predisposition to weak bones.Low bone mass and osteoporosis tend to run in families. Plus, those with roots in Northern Europe or Asia tend to carry a higher risk than other ethnicities. Black people have lower rates of osteoporosis and higher peak bone mass. ...