other times rotation just means to move to another capture point regardless of any strategy…the idea is that you assume the enemy is also doing the same thing, in trying to return the game to a zero sum…so simply moving around allows you to better position yourself to understand the oppo...
If you think ritual magic is about drawing pentagrams in blood and sacrificing your neighbour's cat " if, that is, you think about it at all " this book will come as a surprise. Not too many books on magic " or magick, the authors' preferred spelling, which the notorious Aleister ...
Being an Atheopagan is about looking at the reality of the Universe and affirming it: uncaring though it is. It is about accepting ourselves, myriad as we are, complex and contradictory as we remain. So…dress as you like. I tend to jeans and button-up shirts, myself. I’ll...
“My Heart Swims in Blood,” and “I Stand With One Foot in the Grave,” modern sensibility recoils. We have a hard time finding our way into a piece called “Come You Dear Hour of Death.” And yet, he is not unattached to life. His great “St. Anne” fugue bursts with regal ...
Well, it is very simple. I started the craft about 10 years ago now, and when I first started. all my animals have shown different abilities that lead me to believe this. Also for the fact whenever I was just starting to get ready to perform magick, they where around me and I didn...
He knew that Parselmouth was uncommon. But *if* possession is also rare, I think he figured out that his knack for it was even rarer. We do not know in what contex that one reference to Horcruxes in the Magick Most Evil book Hermione found was. It is likely that it may have been ...
future earth. Closing the century we see at return to the primordial. With some humans evolving into ethereal creatures and others morphing back into animals, the next century closes out with hope for the future of the planet. This is what humans will look like from the years 2058 ...
shape, which will help with passing/presenting. Before this, I would sit and watch the likes of Laith Ashley and Ajay Holbrook in awe of their bodies but also feeling the pressure of having to look like that in order to pass. My genes ain’t that, my dad’s waist is smaller tha...
Byanon15963— On Jul 25, 2008 I do believe in Familiars as I have one. She is a cat and is very special to me. She is not bad, in fact, she is the furthest thing from evil. I am a solitary practitioner within the Wiccan faith, Thanks for letting me comment. Blessed Be!