There are biblical translations where the pronoun used for the Holy Spirit ismasculine, in contrast to the gender of the noun used for spirit in Hebrew and Aramaic. In Aramaic also, the language generally considered to have been spoken by Jesus, the word is feminine. However, in Greek the ...
Of all the strange 'crimes' that human beings have legislated out of nothing, 'blasphemy' is the most amazing -- with 'obscenity' and 'indecent exposure' fighting it out for second and third place. — Robert A. Heinlein 12 great writers are indecent people they live unfairly saving the be...
People sometimes think that defining a term is pedantic and useless, but terms need to be defined if they're going to be discussed, even if the terms are only defined for a single conversation. Those involved in the conversation need to know how the terms are being used. —Pattiann Rogers...
Please don’t run screaming from the room screaming ‘blasphemy’ just yet – I’m not finished. Give me a few more lines. I recall sitting between a couple of sand dunes, surveying the wind-swept beach on one of North Carolina’s Outer Banks, watching as the breakers crashed into the...
In their minds this was blasphemy. Perhaps they had the best intentions to protect what they believed to be the truth. But, they were also blinded by their commitment to keep the letter of the law and they forgot the spirit of the law. In essence what we seek is a balance between law...
They immediately wanted to kill Jesus for blasphemy. That is, the Jews believed that by comparing Himself to God in that way, that Jesus deserved death. They clearly understood the implication Jesus was making—that He was the same as God. We hope that makes sense to you also. ...
Another approach is to follow that word, heresy. In every period of history, there seem to have been labels that got applied to statements to shoot them down before anyone had a chance to ask if they were true or not. "Blasphemy", "sacrilege", and "heresy" were such labels for a goo...
He discusses the horrible story from Pakistan about how a relatively enlightened state governor was assassinated for suggesting that a Christian woman condemned to death for blasphemy on dubious evidence should be spared . Here is more evidence, from The Guardian which cannot reasonably be accused of...
More links from the book world: A deep drop in orders and sales from Amazon at many companies since mid-July has prompted rumors and speculation, Amazon Stands by Books; attitudes toward free speech, blasphemy, and Islam have all changed considerably over the last three decades, How Woke Put...
Maybe you’ll say “blasphemy” but my trekking bike of choice is a modified carbon fibre Simplon “Nanolight” K3. My aim has been the lightest bike but still fit for a tour of up to a month on road. This thing has been faultless for 9 years of mainly mountain tours (and daily co...