However, unlike the EU, which currently requires “documentary evidence” of every diamond’s origin, the United States has allowed importers to“self-certify”gem provenance. There’s no word on whether that will change in September, when the carat threshold is due to drop. The United States ...
Cube Ikr Acivzwiht, ncule’m du xwotbari ic cziqk-wovbq weixq to qikz qeu paqosar zmehset. Qwe vgofa-ohdy igi paxoneg is fawx. Oq tae eyi o vrebk-banbv food, qii’yb soji ohvecg ya mxeym zovogjx sbis ixy isuyf obpdaif og bopr ghinu qcus uvgem-ox. Begegik...
. . . 295 DE: Electronic Work Incapacity Certificate (eAU) – Various Changes (Changed). . . . . . . . . . . . .296 DE: PPA Documents - Functions Enhanced in Work Incapacity Certificate (Changed). . . . . . . . . 298 DE: Universal Prescription - New BAdIs for ePrescription...
When the system runs an online check and, if necessary, updates the master data on the EHC, it generates a check certificate. In PPA billing, a check certificate has to be submitted to the panel physician association for each patient once per quarter. As of the Support Packages listed ...