What is an amoeba's life like? What organelles are found in an amoeba? What does a contractile vacuole do in an amoeba? What organelles are visible in an amoeba? Is an amoeba a plant cell? What lives with an amoeba? What can an amoeba do to a human?
What is fission? What is the basic difference between fission in Amoeba and Paramecium? View Solution What is basic difference between calcination and roasting? View Solution What is nucler fission? View Solution What is the basic difference between binary fission and budding ?
What is binary fission in an amoeba? What organisms are considered phytoplankton and zooplankton? What is the deadliest organism to emerge from the Sundarbans? Which prokaryotes are multicellular? What is a decomposer's role in an ecosystem?
A cell splitting and becoming two cells (overview)Some organisms like bacteria reproduce using binary fission. They split in two, so one bacterium becomes two bacteria. This always leads to daughter cells, and the offspring will be identical to the parent. Binary fission is a method of asexual...
An amoeba refers to a single cell organism that is of a eukaryotic nature.The movement of the amoeba cell takes place by means of pseudopodia.
Transverse binary fission occurs in AEuglena BAmoeba CHydra DParamoeciumSubmit Transerse binary fission occurs in AEuglena BAmoeba CHydra DParameciumSubmit Define Binary fission View Solution What is nuclear fission ? Give an example to illustrate it. What is the importance of fission phenomenon...
in this, the cell splits into two each cell carrying a copy of the dna from the parent cell. for eg., amoeba. budding: in this, a small bud-like outgrowth gives rise to a new individual. the outgrowth remains attached to the organism until it is fully grown. it detaches itself...
Organisms choose to reproduce asexually by different means. Some of the asexual methods arebinary fission (e.g. Amoeba, bacteria), budding (e.g. Hydra), fragmentation (e.g. Planaria), spore formation (e.g. ferns) and vegetative propagation (e.g. Onion). ...
intheworldwouldbealivetoday. In1839TheodorSchwannandMatthiasJakobSchleidenformulated(created)whatis calledthecelltheory.Thecelltheorystatesthatalllivingthingsaremadeupofoneor morecells.Anorganism,whichisanotherwordforalivingthing,thatismadeupofone cellisunicellular.Differentformsofbacteriasuchastheamoebaareunicellula...
The type of cell division that is responsible for cell division in amoebas, or other single-celled organisms, is called a. binary fission. b. DNA replication. c. mitosis. d. apoptosis. Which of the following options is correct? During the first division of me...