英语填空( ) 1.The sun is ___ than the earth (地球).A.big B.bigger C.small D.smaller( )2.The students ___ their homework every day.Now they ___ their homework.A.do,do B.does,doingC.doing,are doing D.do,are doing( ) 3.What’s the d
1.当句中有than 时则用比较级。 eg: He is fatter than me. 2.当句子中的比较对象为两者时用比较级:“特殊疑问词+be+形容词比较级,A or B?” eg: Which is bigger,the earth or the moon?哪一个大,地球还是月球? 3...
And even today, this photo hints that Earth, veiled with clouds and enveloped in its thin atmosphere, could be alone in the universe. The first reason Earth was able to become this welcoming blue sphere is because it's at just the right distance from the Sun, in a narrow zone not too ...
教学目标④ItsalotbiggerthanthepopulationoftheUS. ⑤ChinaisalmostasbigastheUS. @DidyouknowthatChinaisoneoftheoldestcountriesintheworld? ⑦Howlongisthewall? ⑧ThemainreasonwastoprotectChina. ⑨AsfarasIknow,therearenootherman-madeobjectsasbigasthis. ...
The Sahara Desert in Africa is the world's third largest desert, and it is larger than the continent of Australia. Australia is about 2.97 million... Learn more about this topic: Earth's Deserts | Definition, Distribution & Location
9.Our teacher told us that the sun ___(be)bigger than the earth.10.I don’t know what to do next?I don’t know what___ ___ do next.三 选择填空1.Could you tell me___?A where is the toilet B who’s on dutyC whose book is this D what are they doing2.I hear my parent...
Business organization or service to become bigger and include more people goods or activities. Repeatedly. Very quickly and in very short time. Seafood see animal or plant that is served as food and eaten by humans. Competitive used to describe a situation in which people or organizations ...
17,whichisconsideredas 6 successofChinaspaceindustry.DuringtheirstayinTiangong, theastronautscarriedouttwospacewalksanddidanumberof 7 (science)experiments. Thethree-monthShenzhou XIImissionispartoftheTiangongprogram, 8 aimsto completethestationinlow-Earthorbitbeforetheendof2022. Thenextcrewedspaceflight—Shenzh...
There are lots of animals on the earth. What is the biggest animal of all? The whale or the elephant? We all know elephants are the biggest animals on land. But blue whales are bigger than any other animal in the world. A blue whale can be more than thirty meters long and weighs ov...
Which planet is bigger: Saturn or Jupiter? What planet has more moons than Jupiter? Which planet has the largest moon: Earth, Jupiter, or Saturn? Which planet has more moons: Jupiter or Saturn? What type of planet is Jupiter? What is the closest planet to Jupiter?