Is an emu bigger than an ostrich? What are an ostrich's predators? What color is an ostrich? Is an ostrich a raptor? Is an ostrich a reptile? What is the scientific name for an ostrich? What does an ostrich sound like? Why can't an ostrich fly?
The emu is a very large, flightless bird that is second in size only to its close relative, the ostrich. Emus belong to an ancient group of birds known as ratites, all of which are flightless because they lack the keel part of the breast bone that attaches to flight muscles....
Why is the Philippine eagle an endangered species? What is the tallest bird native to North America? Are an eagle's fovea bigger than a human's? What is the ecological niche of a hawk? What is being done to save the California condor? What is an ostrich? What are emus? Is a emu a...
Ostrich skeleton up close, amongst the mammalz. Cassowary skeleton. Emu shoulder/arm bones in right side view. Walrus skeleton in what seems like an odd pose to me, but then they are odd on land. Alligator skeleton in repose. Giant anteater, “knuckle-walking”. Pangolin skeleton! And moun...
Click any image here to emu-biggen. The ILPO and IC are like human rectus femoris (“quads”); ILFB like our biceps femoris (“hams”); FL, GM and GL much like our fibularis longus and gastrocnemius (calf) muscles, but much much bigger! Or, perhaps FL stands for fa la la la ...
TYRANNOSAURUS REX Here are some interesting facts about the mighty T-rex, you might not have known Based on the fossils they have found, the females were probably bigger than the males. It most likely had horrible breath. Its large and sharp teeth were not good at grinding up its food bef...
We have painted both hard boiled eggs and also the eggs where the raw egg is blown out through a small hole. I always found this kind of fun to do, but my daughter would rather paint the eggs that are hard boiled. Either way, they like to be creative with paints and stickers and ...
Is an ostrich the largest living bird? What's bigger, an alligator or crocodile? What are the largest wolves in the world? What is the most dangerous animal in the ocean? Is the emu the largest bird? Which animal is most like humans during the fetal stage? What is the biggest bear?
What is a male ostrich called? What do whale sharks use their teeth for? What did blue whales evolve from? What is the ecological niche of a whale? Is a whale shark bigger than a humpback whale? What is a male baboon called?
What is a small alligator called?Alligators versus Crocodiles:Alligators and crocodiles may look alike but they have lots of differences. If you're close enough, you can only see the top teeth on an alligator but all of the teeth on the crocodile. They are also in different families....